Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Meu dia 13 - January - tomorrow!


Dear Friends

I want to tell you (for the first time, or remind you if I wrote to you about this before) about a project that my friend Lulina is doing... on the 13th of every month (a very special day and number to her) she is asking people to send her (email:, with the subject line: "meu dia 13") a sentence about what they are doing or thinking or feeling on this day.  She writes a song using the collective response, and the next 13th she posts it, and collects another batch.

She's aiming for some sort of record (for maximum number of collaborators). She's about 5 months into the project. I've done it every month except last month, when I forgot - I was really disappointed! But the times I remembered, I found it to be fun, and think you might also..

After 13 months, she will collect the songs together in a cd.

It's a huge undertaking, and she's a little behind (very busy with promoting her new album Cristalina, which Brazilian Rolling Stone ranked 19 in the best new albums of 2009), but I will bet anything that she'll finish it... She just put October up on her blog, and it's a beautiful piece of music:

I think October is the only month I've missed so far, and I hope the only one I miss in the whole project...

Her wordpress site also links to many articles, blogs and vids that have gone up since her Cristalina album was released last month. It has getting a tremendous amount of attention, and I'm very happy to see it!


I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.



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