We reported that Alzbuzzabob had joined our newly signed band, the Icehole Sailors as the group's new lead guitarist and lead singer.
Citing creative differences, Alzbuzzabob has decided to not join the line up after all. In a prepared statement, the guitarist and vocalist explained the reasons behind his decision: "ur music really really really sucks,, and i cant support a band that sucks as much as u guys,,, I could careless what u say or do u suck and will always suck fuk off and die."
A spokesman for the band reports they are confused and devastated by this turn of events, but they are determined to carry on, and will renew the search for a new frontman.
We regret the way events have unfolded, and the prematurity of our previous announcement.
My life in the bush of music. News about the artists that are important to me. Industry trends. Personal observations. Your views, too.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
[zebratrucks] August Newsletter: Correction
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
[zebratrucks] Fwd: Pistol Annies
Gimme a break Bob, I've been saying this since 2001 when I heard "She Couldn't Change Me."
They don't know how to record guitars any more in rock music, I said. Guitars in country music sound like they did in rock music in the 70s, I said.
It's probably no accident that this videomaker chose That 70s Show for the images, even though it has nothing to do with the trappings (cowboy boots, trucks, etc) of country music.
From: Bob Lefsetz <bob@lefsetz.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 11:06 PM
Subject: Pistol Annies
To: mattlove1@gmail.com
Too many people who would like this album will never hear it.
You see country is the new rock and roll. Or, more accurately, the old rock and roll. But it's wrapped up in so much ass-kissing right wing family values bullshit that there's a wall through which the music doesn't penetrate, it lives in its own ghetto, happy as a pig in shit, but it could be so much more.
I don't want to say this album is fantastic, but I'll say there's not one moment when you want to pick up the needle and trash it. And then you hang in there long enough to hear winners like "Boys From The South" and "Family Feud".
Country music too often plays to the lowest common denominator. When they start singing about babies and church I puke. It's like the CD should come with the minivan. The boys all wear cowboy hats and the girls wear cowboy boots and it's so inauthentic you want to dismiss it out of hand. But if you do you miss so much.
Just listen to Keith Urban's "Stupid Boy", especially the long guitar instrumental. If Jerry Garcia were still alive he'd be asking Keith to sit in.
And Miranda Lambert's "Gunpowder & Lead" rocks harder than the work of the Brooklyn shoegazers.
But too many people don't hear this music.
Now I'm not sure Pistol Annies will sell that well, because the album doesn't have the obvious big hits. That's how we've been selling albums for the last decade or two. By bait and switch. We load 'em up with singles and you find out there's nothing holding them together, they're like swiss cheese, full of holes. And then there are albums like this, collections that hang together but are minus the radio showstoppers. But it's albums like this that make us fans, make us want to go see the act live, make us want to hear what the act is up to next.
You see it comes down to music, not fame. And I can't stop listening to Pistol Annies. Because they're not working hard to convince me they're the shit, because they're not banging me over the head to pay attention. Sure, there's the hype in newspapers, the glitzy website, but they're just obscuring the music, this is good music. You could go to the gig and let your mind drift, tap your feet a bit, leave feeling like you got something you couldn't get anywhere else, that you weren't an endless cog in the money machine.
The single is "Hell On Heels". It's good, but doesn't live up to its initial promise. Starts off all swampy and moody, a slowed-down country "Gimmie Shelter", then great harmonies and a good change, but it's just a bit too sing-songy, not quite memorable enough, in other words, the song doesn't go anywhere.
But I love the aforementioned "Boys From The South". It's got the country intimacy of Neil Young's "Harvest", albeit without the attitude. It's an aural movie, a great antidote to the two-dimensional crap being forced down our throat.
And "Family Feud" may seem like an outtake from a Dixie Chicks album, but is that such a bad thing? The Chicks spoke the truth and for that they were excommunicated? Are we really so big on Bush and Iraq and Afghanistan these days? Polls say otherwise. But ain't that America, the knee-jerk reaction, the drawing of lines when we're really all in it together.
And the dirty little secret is those on the margins of both the left and right have a lot in common. They're both disillusioned with the government, mad at corporations, could what happened in the Middle East happen here?
If we come together instead of fighting while the bad men make all the money.
There's no reason left wing liberals can't eat up Pistol Annies.
And although the trappings might lean right, the music here is positively dead center. We've all got problems, we're all trying to get along. That's what Pistol Annies are singing about.
And the music is no secret if you're a country fan, Miranda Lambert is a star.
But if they'd only take off their cowboy boots and leave their smugness at the door...
And if the city rockers pooh-poohing the "ignorant" folks down south would realize that all the real playing and singing comes from Nashville, maybe we could meet in between.
This music isn't for everybody.
But it's for a lot more people than what's being played on Top Forty.
They say rock is dead, radio stations are dropping like flies. But that's wrong, rock is flourishing, just turn on the country radio, there might be some banjos, but underneath it's all rock and roll. You'll like it.
"Family Feud": http://bit.ly/p7Kkrl
"Boys From The South": http://bit.ly/nGCSWD
"Hell On Heels": http://bit.ly/roAxVK
"Stupid Boy": http://bit.ly/14uZ7r
"Gunpowder & Lead": http://bit.ly/aCG2EU
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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.
[zebratrucks] Re: A Band Apart continues with free music for you
copied from the Stoli Vodka facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Stoli?sk=wall). Stoli is behind all this. Now I have no idea what Vodka has to do with Rock and Roll, but anyway, please show your support for Egrigious Artists by clicking "like" my comment, it will increase the odds that this serious problem is fixed.
There's something wrong here. I tried to vote for The Icehole Sailors from Ypsilanti, but they didn't appear on the page. Can you fix this?
a few seconds ago · ·
Vote now to claim your exclusive mixtapes A Band Apart continues into Round Two with free music for you ![]()
Exclusive offer:
Download free mixtapes featuring top contenders
Flavorpill and FanBridge's A Band Apart competition is tearing into Round Two, and that means it's time to claim your free mixtapes featuring the top contenders.
In the first round, you voted on the artists you wanted to see reach millions of new fans and perform at an exclusive blowout Flavorpill event in New York. Now, we've narrowed it down to the top ten in each region, and created a series of one-of-a-kind mixtapes spotlighting their music.
Head over to Stoli's Facebook page to vote in the second round and the free compilations are all yours. After this, only ten bands will remain — and only one will win.
More from Flavorpill this week:
The 30 Harshest Musician-on-Musician Insults in History
NYC Goes From Day to Night in One Frame
TV Characters Who Were Cut from Their Show Too Soon
About this email: We're proud to present this competition with Stoli. Flavorpill Presents is an occasional dedicated email of offers and promotions — perks, contests, and giveaways — with love from our sponsors. Pictured: The Spanish Channel
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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.
[zebratrucks] August Newsletter: Epic events at egregious records
Our newly signed titans of modern rock, the Icehole Sailors (http://www.soundclick.com/IceholeSailors) announce that Alzbuzzabob has joined the group as the new lead guitarist and lead singer, in a move surely as seismic and auspicious as when David Gilmour took over from Syd Barrett at Pink Floyd.
While we lament and regret the descent into catatonia and madness by former mainman Harvey Darger, we hope for his eventual recovery, and look forward to a future of ever greater achievements by the Icehole Sailors.
The team of Pusmon and Garfunkle announce they have
dozens of songs in development. They can be heard at:
P&G say they have many exciting collaborations in the works, and are looking forward to the release of their first CD.
Egregious Records announces they have gained exclusive rights to re-release Immoral Roberts classic "No Accident" cassette, newly remastered with a twist of lemon. For a preview, check it out at: