Tuesday, June 01, 2010

[Zebra_Trucks] A satisfied customer


Look what this lady said about our band (http://www.myspace.com/antitrusts). I'd say this is the most positive review I've ever had for anything I've ever done.  Cool.


Chiara Jones

29 May 2010 14:05

Hi Antitrusts, May you always have stables of horses to service your needs. Please let me hear more of that wonderful sound. Polished rock candy comes ever to mind when thinking of you. You are dressed with filaments and people take pains to make you fully incandescent this evening. You ever remind me of the enigma of happy thoughts I once forgot. I relentlessly desire cotton candy lollipops. Your hair sends forth a sheen remniscent of golden sunlight winding through shadows. Your eyes show as many deep and full shades of fire as a thousand supernovas. Your sweet voice is like the application of aloe vera upon a sunburnt back. Transistors bridge where your vanity would never go. Your cleverness helps me breathe without the need of oxygen. If I could have just one wish, it would be to wake up to your songs in the morning. Wood nymphs sprinkle your path with rose petals while you dance and prowl in the sequined moonlight with leftover cupcake sprinkles. Your reflections bring happiness that rends naked glass.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.  

Recent Activity:


[Zebra_Trucks] Re: [Ticket#2010053110000529] Windows Media Player scrobbler fail.


You know I've done all that. It seems shortsighted to leave all the scrobbling to 3rd party programs designed by hobbyists.  And to leave your tech support to snarky users.

Have you actually looked at the forum section of your website?  There are pages and pages of questions without a single response. I didn't see anything addressing my particular issue (surely it must be one fo the most common issues that last.fm users have), but I went back and looked again, and I found this.  The user did everything right, and it still didn't work.

Dan Kine finally shuts down the discussion with this helpful tip:  "use a decent player." 

Boy, that's what I call tech support. Really useful advice.

I went through all this before with Sonar. Now I use Reaper and I like it much better. Is this really what you want?  For people to go elsewhere?  My understanding is there's lots of other places to go.

Windows Media Player Scrobbler works only once before it stops scrobbling.

  • Windows Media Player Scrobbler works only once before it stops scrobbling.

    I installed the Windows Media Player Scrobbler, but it will only work once, as in, it works as long as my computer is on, but once I restart my computer, the scrobbling program doesn't scrobble.

    I've turned scrobbling off and on, I've restarted both the scrobbler program and WMP, but so far the only solution I've found is to just uninstall the entire scrobbler program and reinstall it, and even that doesn't work sometimes.

  • From the Problems scrobbling sticky:Are the plugins enabled within the media player?
    Sometimes, you may find that plugins are installed, but aren't scrobbling due to them being disabled. As such there are some player specific items you will need to check.
    Windows Media Player: Open up WMP, and go to Tools > Plug-Ins > Options. In the new pop-up window, select "Background" in the list to the left, and then ensure that the checkbox to the left of "Last.fm Plugin" has a tick in it.
    Windows Media Player 11 (and 12): Go to the menu Now Playing > Plug-ins > Other. Please ensure that the checkbox next to "Last.fm Plugin" is ticked.

    Remember to say "thank you" for the things you haven't had
    System Status (indication) - Problems scrobbling FAQ - The Last.FM FAQ
    Do you spot incorrect auto-corrections? You can flag them at the artist/track-page.
  • I did that, and now the Scrobbling program is actually showing the songs I'm playing, however, last.fm isn't showing them...

  • I have the same problem

    I've had the same problem for over a year now.. It seems to have started randomly, as it used to work for a few months before it stopped scrobbling. Now, it doesn't even scrobble when I reinstall the application.

    • dankine said...
    • Subscriber
    • 31 May 2010, 10:10
    use a decent player

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 3:56 AM, Last.fm Support <support@last.fm> wrote:

Unfortunately we can't offer any support for other website problems anymore.
But you should be able to find an answer to your problem in our forums as well
as our FAQ: http://www.last.fm/help/faq/

Our English support forums:
Website Support: http://www.last.fm/forum/21713
Scrobbler Support: http://www.last.fm/forum/34905

The Last.fm Support Team

matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear various Last.fm email addresses (none of them being the one that I
> really want - "support@last.fm"):
> I think it's a MISTAKE to make it so hard to get tech support. This is so
> often the case when a website goes corporate.
> My problem is simple. When I play something on Windows Media Player on a
> Vista platform (a pretty standard approach to playing music on one's
> computer, I would think) it does't scrobble. I thought I might simply
> reinstall the plug-in.
> Boy, have things become complicated since the last time I checked in!  I
> went to the "build" pages dedicated to scrobblers, and found three pages for
> all kinds of esoteric (to an old fart like me, anyway) devices and systems,
> but I didn't see one download that would work for Windows Media Player.
> There was a link for one that would turn Windows Media Player into a
> last.fmplayer - I thought it might do what I wanted it to do, but the
> link was no
> good.
> The forums look to be pretty useless - lots of questions, and not one
> response that I could see. Anyway, I don't want a peer-to-peer dialogue, I
> want some good old fashioned tech support.
> I was going to start paying for the last.fm service - I hear there's lots of
> new things on the horizon, but it's brand loyalty and nostalgia as much as
> anything... you introduced me to tons of new music, and even to some dear,
> dear freinds (I'm in a band with one of them now). But the whole site is
> getting harder to navigate through, and when nothing I scrobble shows up on
> it, it's more and more alienating and impersonal.  I want to be loyal to
> you, but you have to be loyal to your users, too.
> Yours,
> Matt Love
> PS: what the heck, I'll add "support@last.fm" on the slim chance it exists,
> even though you don't advertise it.
> Contacting Us Support Questions
> Please visit our Help Section <http://www.last.fm/help> for your support
> issues. Don't forget to check the FAQ <http://www.last.fm/help/faq/> and the
> Support Forums <http://www.last.fm/forum/> where you can get help with your
> questions.
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> www.last.fm/uploadmusic
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> www.last.fm/advertise
> Contact: advertise@last.fmadvertise [at] last [dot] fm
> *Note:* Please don't send support questions here, they won't be answered.
> Press
> Get in touch to request an interview with a Last.fm executive or for general
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> *Note:* Please don't send support questions here, they won't be answered.
> General Business Enquiries
> Contact: office@last.fmoffice [at] last [dot] fm
> *Note:* Please don't send support questions here, they won't be answered.
> --
> I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.
> http://eventful.com/performers/matt-love-/P0-001-000156481-4/demands

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.  

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