Sunday, April 27, 2008

[Zebra_Trucks] Dateline, Paris: Just walk away, Renee...

... and your little friend too.

I may have missed my chance to meet the French Quiet Grrrl I talked about in my last post. 

I was Walking through a park, when I heard guitar, and some sweet vocals.  I walked around the hedge, and I saw two girls sitting on a bench with a black steel string acoustic guitar between them.  They sounded really good.

I was trying to decide how I could look real casual-like and sit down next to them to listen, when two other guys got the same idea and plopped down in the empty spot.

After that they became inhibited, and the concert was over. As they walked away, I felt a wave of melancholy. I was thinking about how different it would be if my label was up and running.  I could be real forthright, and there wouldn't be suspicion of my motivations, only elation at my interest....

I'd say, "Hey babe, hey sugar, how would yooze like to be big rawk starz?"

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Friday, April 25, 2008

[Zebra_Trucks] The Frost Heaves heave again

The Frost Heaves have posted a controversial new song "Assassino" on their Soundclick site.

It has ignited a firestorm of protest, and longtime fans are livid.  The heavies (as the fans are popularly known) decry it as the biggest hard rock sell-out since Kiss went disco with "I was made for loving you."

However, lead guitarist Ludwig Van Frankenstein was quick to respond to these criticisms: "Yeah, maybe it's a little slicker than our past efforts, but it's as drastic, spastic, and stochastic as anything we've ever done."

The absence of even a single yelp from Marge Simpson-soundalike vocalist Trevor Baskerville added credibility to rumors that all is not well with the popular group.

However, sources close to the band denied rumors that Baskerville has left the band, as well as rumors that fellow geriatric metal gods Iron Maiden dropped them from the upcoming Preparation H-sponsored tour, "The Aging Assholes of Metal."

Check out it out and see what you think.

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[Zebra_Trucks] A song recommendation for you

Please, if you could be so kind as to check out the new song: 'Stuck'. I would be ever so grateful.  I was hangin with my Parisian homies, Hank and Maury, and we be jammin and this is what came out

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[Zebra_Trucks] Dateline: Paris

I am looking for a girl.

She will be in her mid-twenties, she will be playing her guitar ina  cafĂ©, wearing a black beret, and singing charming songs about snails, and magical kingdoms hidden in the basement of the Louvre.

When she was 17, she had a small part in the movie, "Plan 18 From Outer Space."  Or was it, when she was 18, she had a small part in "Plan 17 From Outer Space"?


I will buy one of her CDs, and strike up an email correspondence with her, rave about her to my friends until they get quite tired of it, and start to wonder if there is something wrong with me.

She may think I'm nice, or she may think I'm a creepy stalker, and ask me to leave her alone.  One thing is for certain – she will resist any effort I make to influence her music.  When I suggest she cover "My Old Shotgun" ( or "The Beezebub of Scrub A Dub Dub" ( she will simply not respond to my emails.

I have spent hours over the last two days, walking all over Paris, and all I've seen so far is a guy playing guitar, an amped up accordion player, and three hippies playing drums.  But it is destiny that I will find her.

Oh, yes. I will find her!

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Saturday, April 05, 2008

[Zebra_Trucks] Fwd: [Spin The Globe news] Global Beatles cover songs

God, wouldn't you know it.  the first show he's done in ages that I wanted to stream.... and most of the first hour (with the beatles covers) is not there.  Who knows what gems I missed?  but still for the best version of Let It Be ever recorded, check out the  Shang Shang Typhoon version (link in the "listen again" section below) - you have to wait out an aimless and pointless version of Norwegian wood, but it's worth the wait. 

In fact, it's a life changing experience.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: spintheglobe <>
Date: Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 10:05 AM
Subject: [Spin The Globe news] Global Beatles cover songs

Spin the Globe: Live Locally, Groove Globally
Fridays 10-noon (Pacific) on KAOS 89.3 FM Olympia, and streaming live


THIS WEEK'S SPIN THE GLOBE was a tribute to the global influence of The Beatles, featuring an hour of Beatles covers from around the planet in a multitude of styles. Plus new releases and concert previews. See the playlist for complete show details.

Missed the show? Want to hear something again? Catch it in the limited-time archives on the STG Listen page ( (Note: This week's archive suffered from some technical difficulties, so much of the first hour is missing. Sorry 'bout that.)

UPCOMING EVENTS: Gaelica, Brazilian Carnival, Fubuki Daiko, John Cruz, Vagabond Opera, Debashish Bhattacharya, Dave Stringer, World Rhythm Festival, Procession of the Species, and more. For details, see the frequently updated Spin the Globe calendar

* Orlando Julius's "Super Afro Soul" is #1 on this week's KAOS New World Top 10 chart
* Freshlyground's "Ma'Cheri" is #1 on the KAOS New World Adds chart
* Dengue Fever's "Venus on Earth" is #1 on Spin The Globe's March Top 10 World Music Albums chart
view current charts

Next on Spin The Globe: New World Music Releases
(you know you can listen online Fridays 10-noon, right?)

April 18: Guitars Around the World
April 25: Global Percussion

Scott Stevens
KAOS World Music Director and host/producer of Spin the Globe
SoundRoots Global Culture blog

Send review CDs/DVDs/books to: (please, world music only! others will likely not be reviewed)
Scott Stevens, Spin The Globe/SoundRoots
2103 Harrison Avenue NW
Olympia, WA 98502 USA

Send airplay info/CDs to:
Scott Stevens, World Music Director
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505 USA
Music department phone: 360-867-6896

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