Saturday, March 29, 2008

[Zebra_Trucks] Matt Love has a song recommendation for you

Check out this song: 'When I Saw Your Face' by The Mere Mortals.

Band page:

Song page:

It's doing well so far:

When I Saw Your Face
# 3,089 in Rock (highest position was 1,397). Total songs: 152,055
# 689 in Rock General (highest position was 292). Total songs: 32,722

Please check out this song, and "Little Miss Trouble", too...
SoundClick - the social music community  (

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

[Zebra_Trucks] Fwd: SXSW

This guy was at Canada Music Week, preaching the same gospel. It's easy to see that indeed there are fewer people working for less money. 

The panels of producers (including the guy who did Appetite for Distruction) ALL (and there were many people who had worked on big, big projects) are working almost exclusively with independent, unsigned artists.  They said they want it that way, but I think that's the work they are able to find. And their money isn't frontloaded, they are doing a lot of stuff on spec - the artists take the product to a libel and say "I got some good product here, and it was produced by Mr. 50,000,000-copies-moved Man" and they get a big advance, and they cut a check for the producer.  Maybe they do want it this way, but I really really doubt it.  I'm sure most of them would rather be producing U2 for lots of money up front than this.

One guy was really frank about all the other people leaving the business (though he's still hanging in there).  He says producers want what everybody else wants - a piece of the 360 action. After all, he said, a producer is as involved with moving teeshirts off a merch table or a website as a label exec. 

I saw a lot of desparate people hustling each other.  The night I went out with Bruno and Fabricio, I saw a lot of people enjoying a live show (I pretty much hated it, but never mind that).  I saw tee-shirts flying off the table. It isn't hard to see where the action is... it doesn't seem unreasonable for a record company to get cut into some of that action, as long as the band is cut into ALL of the action, too (with honest accounting - which in the record industry is sort of like "peaceful warfare").  Apparently some labels are getting very innovative.  It doesn't seem unreasonable for the producer to get cut into the action, too.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bob Lefsetz <>
Date: 16 Mar 2008 00:11:15 -0000
Subject: SXSW

Can an unsigned band get noticed?  And, do we even bother to use that term anymore, "unsigned".  Do you want to get signed?

I mean what are the chances that the cognoscenti are going to care about your band when R.E.M. and even Van Morrison are shilling for attention.  Oh, it makes you feel good, to rent a U-Haul, sleep four to a room and perform a set no one cares about.  The same way it makes you feel good to send a CD to me!  It's amazing what people will do to make themselves feel good, make them believe they're making progress.

The new music business isn't at SXSW.  Why should it be?

Think about it.  If Yahoo and Google sprung up out of nowhere, what makes you think the powers-that-be in the music industry are going to rule in the future?

So you're gonna make a deal with a major, a 360 deal, because that's all they want.  You're gonna put yourself in the hands of the old generation, lock yourself up completely, because it seems easier this way, you can sleep at night, knowing you've got a signed contract locked up somewhere.  But when your record stiffs since the label is chasing the product of the good-looker who recorded the songs they wanted them to, the radio-friendly stuff, and you're tied up forever, who you gonna call, GHOSTBUSTERS?

The one person you might want to hook up with at SXSW is an agent.  But an agent is first and foremost impressed with your Pollstar numbers.  An agent wants to see your track record.  Where you can draw people.  Actually, an agent doesn't give a shit WHAT you play as long as people want to come hear it.  The agent won't tell you what to record and what to wear, they're just interested in selling tickets.  They don't even give a shit if you've got a record deal, just whether you've got an AUDIENCE!

And it's harder than ever to gain an audience if you're playing with the usual suspects.  All they know is radio.  How come you're going to sign with these guys when YOU have contempt for radio?  All you bands playing SXSW, you abhor Top Forty radio, but that's all the majors are interested in.  And chances are if you're a good-looking automaton, ready to go the Jessica/Paris/Lindsay route, you've already got handlers in New York or L.A. with a pipeline to the old guard, you don't have to go to SXSW to get noticed.

Or you could go to the panels at SXSW.  To learn that fewer people have jobs at less money.  I've debated Net monetization at these conventions for NINE YEARS and nothing has happened.  Everybody's just reacted to what some college student, not in attendance, ultimately has done.

Everyone's looking for a shortcut.  Everyone's looking for answers.  Everybody wants to get PAID!

Music isn't about money, but passion.  If you've got the passion and are willing to work 24/7, you might ultimately get money.  Probably long after your friends who went to law school do, if ever.

The whole scene is warped.  With MTV's "Cribs" and rappers extolling their high-rolling lifestyles.  Don't you watch VH1?  The lifestyles of the one time rich and famous EVAPORATE!  And then, if you're lucky, you can be television fodder, for the public to laugh at.

All that MTV-era bullshit is done.  It's not about your look.  It's not even about following trends.  It's not about signing on the bottom line for a zillion bucks.  It's about making music.  Constantly.  Not on a one album every three year cycle.  The Net audience wants new tunes all the time.  A steady stream.  Your hard core fans anyway.  If you're playing to the casual listener, you're abusing your hard core.  Let the casual user find you VIA the hard core.  A single on the radio for nine months may generate cash once, but it turns a hell of a lot of people off.  Like Taylor Swift.  If I hear about her fucking teardrops on her guitar one more time, I'm going to VOMIT!  Just shut up and make another record.  I was a fan, now I just see a young girl being raped by the system.  A system that doesn't care about the fans, but only about the short term money.

Don't worry about the short term money.  If your music is good, if you play well live, the money will come.  But sending me a CD or schlepping your equipment to SXSW isn't going to make your music any better.  If it's good, put it on the Web, energize your fans, they'll spread the word.  But you probably suck and are looking for the easy way out.  And crying that you just can't make any money.  Boofuckinghoo.


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Monday, March 10, 2008

[Zebra_Trucks] Dispatch from the Canada Music Week conference

I left word for Bruno Ramos to give me a call when he was going out, but I

don't think he ever got the message, so finally hunger drove me from
my room and down into the pub on the first floor at the hotel to have
a solo meal.

I picked my table, and as I was heading for it, around the corner from
the other direction, heading for the same table but a little further
away, was Glen Ballard, the co-writer and producer of Alanis
Morissette's Jagged Little Pill, a little record you might have heard
of. It sold 33 million copies world wide.

I sort of instinctively dived for the table, and made ready to invite
him (and the two people that were with him, probably equally important
personages like the Pope of Rock and Roll and the Queen of English
Rock and Roll - neither of them was Alanis) to join me.  I imagined
the conversation that would ensue.

Me:  You know, Glen, you and I both studied journalism in school. I
think that's the key to successful songwriting; keeping it real,
writing about what you know.

Glen: that's a fascinating insight, Matt, I never thought of it that way.


Me:  The way l see it, people would rather suffer with what they have
than try the unknown.

Glen: Oh, is that true.

Matt: That's because most men lead lives of quiet desperation.

Glen: Oh, is that right!


Me:  Well, I know she likes to mix it up, working with new people
keeps things fresh for her.  I could put in a good word for you.

Glen:  Wow, would you that would be great! Thanks, man.

Me: Hey, no problem.  Writing Christmas Lights with Lulina was one of
my proudest achievements in song writing, maybe you'll be able to do
something equally good with her!


But instead he just gave me a look that suggested he was making a
mental note to have me beat up later, and he slinked off to another
table with his companions.  I guess my plan might have worked better
if the place hadn't been mostly empty. D'oh!

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